Approved Minutes from July 17, 2010

World Service Meeting, District 63,
Bob and Michelle’s home in Huntington Beach

Minutes respectfully submitted: Kathleen Craig, temporary secretary

Meeting began at about 9:15 am with Serenity Prayer

Introductions: DR, ADR, GR’s – 14; AGR – 2; and Alateen Liaison for a total of 17 in attendance

Traditions – Sara (Al-Anon Alateen Service Manual 2006-2009)
Daily Reader – Vicki (One Day at a Time)
Concept 7 – Lisa (Al-Anon Alateen Service Manual 2006-2009)

Kathy: (example of concept: Translate Forum to French – conference veto as not practical [how to pass a bill])

7th Tradition: Judy passed the basket - $70.00 collected.

Michelle read the minutes from the April 17, 2010 meeting.
MOTION: Accept April 17, 2010, Minutes with corrections listed below
Motion Randy/Second-Kathy. Unanimous yeas. Motion passed

DR explained GR has vote not AGR’s

Judy gave the Treasurer report:
0 – SCAC for next year. Move money from balance to Alateen next year.
7/17/10 balance $285.18
What is the average balance? See report. Our three year commitment is to support Alateen

Correction of minutes: Hallmark Movie – correction of name of movie to When Love is Not Enough

Correction of SCAT to SCAC regarding Alateen Liaison support.
Discussion pro/con regarding pledge to SCAC
Motion to pledge $115.00 to SCAC
Motion-Michelle/Second Sara Unanimous yeas. Motion passed

Michelle – discussed hospitality for October 16, 2010 meeting at Randi’s home in Tustin – pass note or email for a list of who will contribute what (retreat is on October 16, 2010, weekend)

DR – business today and debrief Elaine and her committee
Recertification effort to screen Alateen-preteen
Hot topics – DR, is planning a committee meeting in November 2010, for hot topics - DR wants ideas from July 17, 2010, meeting

Elaine is seeking more members (with past GR experience) for her committee - 3 year commitment. The purpose is to reach out to meetings in District 63 who do not have a GR and explain World Service. The “blurb” from April 17, 2010, meeting was also a topic ten years ago. Elaine couldn’t find “blurb” from ten years ago. Julie is attending today in place of Kelly.
The plan is to attend ten meetings in District 63 to determine
who leads the meetings and if they have a GR
approach GR (or contact person) after the meeting
reach out and invite them to attend the World Service meeting

DR is to provide background of service commitment
Support preteen and Alateen
Reach out to groups without GR’s
Create a report of all District 63 groups with and without GR’s

Phase 1 plan: Elaine and Kelly to brainstorm to determine what attracts old and new people to volunteer.

Elaine and Kelly have checked out the online system for signing up to be a GR.

Cathy provided input that the online system “works”
Forms are provided
Bob submitted something at the April meeting but it is invalid
Thanks for the cooperation of Lisa, Kelly, Colleen, Elaine, Cathy in forming the committee
Elaine: discussion on how to implement the back up documentation
Kathy: does she receive “all” forms at the World Service office?

Kathy (World Service Office representative) has consolidated a list as a result of what has been submitted at 7/17 meeting and she has brought hard copies of documentation from the office to explain the function, policy and procedure. Kathy’s goal is that World Service records and District 63 records match.

CMA = current mail address, with forms specify GR, etc.

If the group is not active then there is no mail status. It is important to update current mail recipient.

Per Kathy: SCWS procedure use PO Box for permanent central mail address

Elaine to submit the report Kathy’s provided at the July 17 meeting – you can find this report on line at – there is a link to the form. Add your group number to the form. The hard copy Kathy brought to the July 17 meeting is being circulated for each person to confirm correct information and initial approval – if you want a copy of the report you can print one by going on line. Area coverage from San Luis Obispo to San Diego and east to California/Nevada boarder. Kathy’s area consists of District 63 plus

Policy and procedure per Kathy – to name your group (i.e. Tustin, Saturday am - Hope for Today) when choosing a name for your group you cannot use the facility location as part of the name (i.e. Kaiser Sunday pm). The form has instructions.

Elaine’s goal is to complete the form and provide it as an example to the rest of the groups in District 63. Explanation of group representative numbers.

Kathy: when sending local World Service office and VA World Service office donations from a group meeting (i.e. Tustin, Saturday AM meeting) include the identifying group number

Randi: Emphasis that any donations (i.e. 7/17 district meeting) home meeting group must reimburse you for your donation.

Kathy input: People who attend the World Service meetings should be reimbursed by their home group for any donation they make for 7th tradition and for mileage to and from the meetings

Jim: Southern California Alateen Coordinator position this is a three year commitment; information regarding the position can be obtained from the Alateen web site – the position is open-ended until someone else wants the position and there are no qualifications.

DR report: Alateen/Preteen at World Service level requires that sponsors be certified. There are 35 people on the list in District 63 – 12 have been re-certified. There are three new applications. It is legally required that the sponsor be certified. How can we assist District 63 to re-certify sponsors.

DR: Request that everyone please help circulate information to all sponsors who need to be re-certified. The form is a one page document. The “not certified” sponsors are suspended and they are not aware of their status. Encourage everyone to become a certified sponsor for Alateen or Preteen. Kelly is working on a flyer for Sponsorship. Kelly or Jim previously brought this up – brainstorm.

Lisa: have preteen/alateen attend regular group meetings to solicit support and sponsors

Vicky: Have a workshop/presentation with the goal to enroll new sponsors and show the benefits at family level

Jim will email secretary a copy of alateen/preteen treasury report for SCAC – Jim offered to supply any/all treasury reports to 7/17 meeting participants via email.

DR: Lisa volunteered to assist with workshop. It was suggested that WS person attend an alateen/preteen meeting – be sure to arrive early. The procedure is to ask sponsor’s permission to attend meeting – sponsor will then approach alateen/preteen attendees for their approval.

Lisa solicits other volunteers to assist her with workshop event and withdraws herself from Elaine’s committee.

Lisa names alateen/preteen work shop event volunteers: Joe, Judy, Vicky and Randi and asks for ideas with a commitment for the 10/16 meeting.

Judy: have alateen/preteen speak at meetings – this can be a goal of the 2009 to 2010 3 year commitment.

Elaine and others – part 2 no participation, just de-list two groups – no interaction – Michelle and Judy

Colleen: List issues to benefit newcomers – so they will know what is acceptable and not acceptable – alanon v. non alanon.

Randi: What does a healthy group look like; also for alateen/preteen too. What about adult meeting where alateen/preteen are present – on the beach (like in Seal Beach)

Cathy: Violation of confidentiality – this has happened when email addresses are included along with the phone numbers on the group meeting list – someone will email a group of people and one recipient can then email to outsiders

DR: Confidentiality issue regarding telephone and email contact information
Randi: no email, no cross talk – make an overall statement at the meeting – get more input for Cathy to take back to individual meetings.

DR closed meeting at 11:41 am, Saturday, July 17, 2010.