Approved Minutes from April 16, 2010

District 63 Meeting Minutes
April 16, 2010
At the home of Randi in Tustin, CA 92780

Minutes respectfully submitted: Kim LeBouton, secretary
Meeting began at about 9:10 am with Serenity Prayer

Introductions: DR, ADR, Secretary, GR’s - 10, AGR – 0 and Alateen Liaison. 14 in attendance.

Traditions - Vicki (Al-Anon Alateen Service Manual 2006-2009)
Daily Reader - Sara (One Day at a Time)
Concept 4 – Elaine (Al-Anon Alateen Service Manual 2006-2009)

7th Tradition – Judy passed around the basket. $34 Collected.

Secretary: Secretary: (Kim) Minutes read from January 23, 2010 District 63 mtg. Changed Tradition 7 to Traditions under Reading; Removed <> put forth the motion; <> seconded under MOTION: Accept October Minutes...; Replace "at" with "-" from District 63 at 37 confirmed under Forum Subscriptions...; Added "was explained" to History of area decision to push Forum...; Changed "Aside: Kathy the records person at district office" to "Kathi, the records person at Area Service Board, will provide information on GRs.; Changed "Kathy" to "Cathy" under Committee for 2010 part.

MOTION: Accept January 23, 2010 Minutes with amendments. Motion-Cathy/Second-Sara. Unanimous yeas. Motion passed.

Treasurer: (Judy) Paper Report Provided. (KJL needs to scan). Handed out Group Contribution form (KJL needs to scan/find online). Discussion about what we do with the money.

Hospitality: (Michelle/Randi) Passed around sign-up sheet for July 17, 2010 meeting.

District Report: (Bob): Ask Joe to provide a report on the AFG basket. The winner was Jackie. Other GRs felt that we provided the best basket. Better than the grand prize.

Mentioned Hallmark Movie, When Loves is Not Enough and will discuss under Business. (KJL find link to Alanon PSA)

New Service Manual scheduled for 2011.

Alternate Rep: (Elaine) No Report.

Alateen Liaison: (Jim D.) 714-501-3435
Provided details mentioned in old minutes.

Discussion pro/con regarding pledge to SCAC.

Motion: Increase Alateen Liaison support for SCAC to $115. Motion-Lisa/Second-Cathy. Unanimous yeas. Motion passed.

Forum Subscriptions Contest
Bob reported that we are up to 45. See old minutes. (KJL provide link)

Pre-teen/Alateen-Sponsors Recertification
Please provide all information to Bob at Area Meeting by 5/15/2010. July meeting will highlight flyer to review.

Reach out to different meetings without a GR in District 63 and Explain World Service
Elaine couldn't find previous blurb. Remember to keep it brief & to the point.

Brainstorming during meeting: What does SCWS/WS want?

Seeking more members for committee with past GR experience. Committee: Add Lisa & Kelly.

Public Service Announcement April 25 after movie "When Loves Not Enough-Story of Lois"
Forum has a nice write-up.